Since a couple of months my CPU started getting slow. The sound card was suddenly missing.
After reinstalling RealTek sound card (i.a. via ACER site for my ACER 5520G) sound came back and disappeared 2 times after starting cpu next time. I never managed again (after those 2 times) to get sound again.
I think AFTER sound driver missing problem started, cpu started getting very slow during typing (but not now e.g.) - at least when a internet browser is being started.
With Mozilla refuses to open an new window (and connection). AFter closing it down entirely, it says it can do nothing as long as the application is still running (invisibly at screen).
I.Explorer starts asking abou add-ons, which I checked and slightly adapted. I can find no cause here, however.
I used AVG tune-up abd it worked fine till I used Corel Photo Paint, (or what else may be related) and it started all over again.
I had the HD disfragmented and used CCleaner, speeding things up a bit, but to no avail when it comes to using browsers or trying to reinstall a sound driver.
Some of all those seemingly-free driver check and download programs nested which I tried out nested themselves wihtin the system, I can't get them removed. They may slow down starting-up (which is awfully slow).
I strongly suspect a worm or something else in the system / or in a program. Could you give me a clue ? Thanks a lot !
Since a couple of months my CPU started getting slow. The sound card was suddenly missing.
After reinstalling RealTek sound card (i.a. via ACER site for my ACER 5520G) sound came back and disappeared 2 times after starting cpu next time. I never managed again (after those 2 times) to get sound again.
I think AFTER sound driver missing problem started, cpu started getting very slow during typing (but not now e.g.) - at least when a internet browser is being started.
With Mozilla refuses to open an new window (and connection). AFter closing it down entirely, it says it can do nothing as long as the application is still running (invisibly at screen).
I.Explorer starts asking abou add-ons, which I checked and slightly adapted. I can find no cause here, however.
I used AVG tune-up abd it worked fine till I used Corel Photo Paint, (or what else may be related) and it started all over again.
I had the HD disfragmented and used CCleaner, speeding things up a bit, but to no avail when it comes to using browsers or trying to reinstall a sound driver.
Some of all those seemingly-free driver check and download programs nested which I tried out nested themselves wihtin the system, I can't get them removed. They may slow down starting-up (which is awfully slow).
I strongly suspect a worm or something else in the system / or in a program. Could you give me a clue ? Thanks a lot !