Hi there, I would really appreciate some guidance with this matter which is giving me some cause for concern.
For about a month now every time I start up my computer I get various random messages once Windows 7 has loaded up telling me that programs have stopped.
Every time it is a different program, sometimes "Run Once Wrapper", sometimes some HP prgram, sometimes Alcohol 120 etc etc etc. None of these cause huge issues not working on startup but it is an annoyance. I would say there are at least one or tow prgrams each time I start Windows 7 that have stopped working. There is no patetrn though apart from I start to see the same programs having stopped after a few days or so again.
Having Googled various pages I can't see any obvious cause...
I have done a scannow from a command prompt and it hasnt revealed anything or fixed anything.
Secondly for some reason Firefox always has Flash fail on it.
Thirdly Google Chrome will not only not work, but I cannot seem to download it anymore from IE.
I wonder if all of these problems are linked... a funny Windows issue perhaps?
Any ideas please?
For about a month now every time I start up my computer I get various random messages once Windows 7 has loaded up telling me that programs have stopped.
Every time it is a different program, sometimes "Run Once Wrapper", sometimes some HP prgram, sometimes Alcohol 120 etc etc etc. None of these cause huge issues not working on startup but it is an annoyance. I would say there are at least one or tow prgrams each time I start Windows 7 that have stopped working. There is no patetrn though apart from I start to see the same programs having stopped after a few days or so again.
Having Googled various pages I can't see any obvious cause...
I have done a scannow from a command prompt and it hasnt revealed anything or fixed anything.
Secondly for some reason Firefox always has Flash fail on it.
Thirdly Google Chrome will not only not work, but I cannot seem to download it anymore from IE.
I wonder if all of these problems are linked... a funny Windows issue perhaps?
Any ideas please?