I've just got a second monitor, and now i'm stuck, because only my original monitor is showing an image.
What i've found that the problem is, is that my PC is sending an image through the graphic-card, where my original monitor is hooked up to, but not through it's motherboard, where my second monitor is hooked up to.
So i'm wondering if it's possible to send an image through the graphic-card and the motherboard at the same time.
If so, how do i do that.
Thanks in advance,
I've just got a second monitor, and now i'm stuck, because only my original monitor is showing an image.
What i've found that the problem is, is that my PC is sending an image through the graphic-card, where my original monitor is hooked up to, but not through it's motherboard, where my second monitor is hooked up to.
So i'm wondering if it's possible to send an image through the graphic-card and the motherboard at the same time.
If so, how do i do that.
Thanks in advance,