OK, so yesterday my computer was having these random freezes, but I could still move my mouse, I just couldn't do anything. So I restarted my computer and it started doing it more frequently, to the point that I couldn't even log on to my computer. I put my Windows 7 disk in and booted the computer from the disk and tried to reinstall my windows. It was working fine until the one part of it got to about 50%, then it failed. After it failed I thought I'd try it again. It comes up with the thing to start the installation and I click to start it, then it goes to a "Setup is starting..." screen, at which point nothing happens. The loading circle mouse thing keeps spinning but it never goes to the actual installation. It seems to get stuck on this screen until I restart. Right now I left it going while I was at work so it's been on this screen loading for 6-7 hours. I just have no idea what to do at this point. Is there a way I can wipe my hard drive through my system's BIOS? I feel like that might help but I don't know how.