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Using backup image to solve problems

Hi Everyone…

I have only been on this site for several days but I have been reading until my eyes are crossed. So many of the problems (in my opinion) I have read about could be solved by installing a saved mirror image that includes the operating system, and having it at the ready for those times we just throw up our hands and say that we have had enough. I am running three computers with Vista, one with XP and a laptop with windows 7.

I have been using a program called Norton Ghost for 8 to 10 years to make backup images of all my hard drives and other than some problems, all caused by my own mistakes, the program has saved my bacon more times than I can count. Windows 7 has its own image capabilities and I even use it on that system.

Once you install the program and set it up it runs in the background. I have mine set up to run at 1:00AM After the initial image all subsequent images are incremental and don’t take up much space. I run mine every other day. You can choose how many images you want to store before automatically deleting earlier images. I have had blue and black screens and everything in between. I just put in the program disk and reboot. The software installs its own drivers and whatever software it needs to access your desktop hard drive. At that point you select your image by date select OK and come back in an hour or so depending on how much data is on your operating system drive. You can also select any documents that you might have and do a separate backup of just those files without having to reinstall the entire hard drive. I run my documents backup every evening.

I suppose if I ever come out of the dark ages and get Windows 8 I might change my mind

Of course this all works well only on software. A hardware problem is what it is…….

No I do not work for Symantic. I am sure I will find out soon that everyone has this program or a similar one but I just wanted to put it out there for some of the other newbie’s like me. :smile:

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