Whilst using my laptop the screen suddenly goes black, doesn't respond for a few seconds, anything between 3 and 15, and then goes to the log in screen where I enter my password. After logging back in again it works fine for between 3 and 10 minutes and then repeats.
It's plugged in to the mains, I have the screen saver settings set to 'none' and I have changed my power plan options to never turning off the screen or putting the computer to sleep.
I have a Lenovo G580 laptop, which I've only had for around 3 months, it does a have a years warranty, but any help fixing it here and now without having to be without it for a few days would be great.
Thanks in advance, Sam
Whilst using my laptop the screen suddenly goes black, doesn't respond for a few seconds, anything between 3 and 15, and then goes to the log in screen where I enter my password. After logging back in again it works fine for between 3 and 10 minutes and then repeats.
It's plugged in to the mains, I have the screen saver settings set to 'none' and I have changed my power plan options to never turning off the screen or putting the computer to sleep.
I have a Lenovo G580 laptop, which I've only had for around 3 months, it does a have a years warranty, but any help fixing it here and now without having to be without it for a few days would be great.
Thanks in advance, Sam