I have a baseball game called MLB 2K12, and for whetever reason it doesn't work with the current date, you have to set it to the previous year when baseball games were still on.
This is a known problem with the game but I read through some forums and found a fix (attached, is a .bat file but used .txt to attach)
Now that changed the date to Oct.2 2011, curious to know how I would write up a .bat file so the time changes back to the current day, instead of manually having to change it all the time.
This is a known problem with the game but I read through some forums and found a fix (attached, is a .bat file but used .txt to attach)
Now that changed the date to Oct.2 2011, curious to know how I would write up a .bat file so the time changes back to the current day, instead of manually having to change it all the time.