So recently I've been this problem with my computer. It's always at a random time, it doesn't necessarily seem to have a specific pattern, but it always seems to happen when I'm either playing a game, listening to music, or watching a video. It could be connected, or it could happen at random, I'm not sure. Basically the computer completely locks up, freezes entirely, and the sound loops/stutters on the last sound that was being played endlessly. It NEVER crashes, and I do not ever receive a BSOD. I have tested, waiting over 15 minutes for it to do anything, it simply sits there and remains locked up and frozen until I hard restart my computer.
I have absolutely no idea what's causing this, as I've never had an issue with my computer like this, especially something that doesn't produce atleast an error or BSOD of some kind, so it's rather puzzling.
I have absolutely no idea what's causing this, as I've never had an issue with my computer like this, especially something that doesn't produce atleast an error or BSOD of some kind, so it's rather puzzling.